Deepanshu Giri
Deepanshu Giri
Jan 23, 20242 Min Read
How to Use Navansh-D9. -DKSCORE

Unlocking the Power of Navansh-D9 in Vedic Astrology Charts: A Comprehensive Guide to Dhatu, Mool, and Jeev Navansh

How to Use Navansh-D9.

There are several ways explained in chandra kala nadi and various astrological text on how to use Navansh in any chart- As D-9 is the soul of the chart.

Today i am going to explain a practical method of using Dhatu, Mool and Jeev Navansh-Moveable signs are Dhatu, Fixed signs are Mool and Dual signs are considered as Jeev.

In terms of Planets-Moon, Mars,Rahu and Saturn are considered as Dhatu, Jupiter and Mercury as Jeeva and Sun and Venus as Moola (Fruits and Vegetables).

Now with this information how can we use it further for predictions- I was doing a reading for Kolkata based Doctor and he was explaining me some problems happening in his house and a legal issue he was facing - Now i had to see why suddenly in his chart things went so bad so quickly.

So on call i asked him some questions and one if the prediction was -Your wife must have accepted some red color vegetable or fruit from neighbors after that problem must have started as well as in West of your house there is problem of animals there-you should clear it.

All i did is used D-9 quality of Dhatu, Mool and Jeev to pin point events and problem- He sent me back this.

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Deepanshu Giri

Deepanshu Giri

He is an engineer having completed his Bachelors in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Deepanshu Giri is an Underwater Robotics Supervisor who has ser ...Read More

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