Prash Trivedi
Prash Trivedi
Dec 30, 202322 Min Read
Jyeshta Nakshatra by Prash Trivedi -DKSCORE

Uncovering the Mysteries of Jyeshta Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology

16° 40’ Vrischika – 30° 00’ Vrischika In the Sky


Jyeshtha Nakshatra, senior most among first 18 asterisms, consists of three stars in a row, which were seen by ancients as forming a shape similar to an earring (or in some cases, top of an umbrella). These three stars are known in modern astronomy as Alpha Scorpionis (Antares), Sigma Scorpionis and Tau Scorpionis. All of these stars lie in middle to end portion of zodiacal constellation of Vrischika. Antares, star with a reddish hue, is brightest among these stars, with a visual magnitude of 1.07, and was revered by all ancient cultures. It is in fact one of brightest objects in night sky, which makes it easy for one to spot this asterism in night sky.




Jyeshtha Nakshatra” translates simply into ”eldest” or ”senior most”. As is case with some other asterisms, Jyeshtha Nakshatra’s name immediately reveals a lot about its nature and functioning. Jyeshta is considered eldest among first 18 Nakshatras. At some point of time in ancient history, only 18 Nakshatras were in use, and Jyeshta was final, senior most or eldest Nakshatra. Since then, more Nakshatras have been added, but name has stayed.




Its main symbol is a ”round talisman”. In all ancient civilizations and legends, one can see that a round talisman is seen as a symbol of Divine protection. In many cases, one will find that it is also a symbol of an authoritarian position.


A circular earring is also a sort of round talisman, and all kings of past were expected to wear big, round earrings. Thus an ”earring” can also be seen as a symbol of this Nakshatra.


A round talisman, ring or earring are all considered to be related to governing forces of Universe. As all wise men have known throughout ages, everything in nature happens in circles. In ancient times, king was supposed to be person who is representative of higher governing forces on earth. Fact that he used this circle symbolism, showed that he was connected to these forces.


One can automatically infer that this Nakshatra relates to all those in authority positions. This authority is usually conferred on one for their relative proximity to governing universal forces. This may be result of repeated past life efforts in fields of Karma, occult practices and penance.


Most important example of a circular occult symbol is ”Ouroboros”, a coiled snake swallowing its tail. Serpent symbolism relates to Rahu and Ketu in Jyeshta Nakshatra and Kundalini Shakti. Reader can refer to author’s previous work ”The Rahu - Ketu Experience”, Sagar Publications, India, or ”The Key of Life”, Lotus Press, USA.


An ”umbrella” is an alternative symbol of this Nakshatra. Most basic function of an umbrella is to protect one from rain, sun or wind, i.e. nature’s forces. In same way this Nakshatra is supposed to provide protection against universal forces. This is reason why all kings and queens in olden days never went out without an umbrella on top of their head. It was most visible royal insignia.


This protection usually comes about through a detailed understanding of occult knowledge of Universal functions. In a way, priestly class was protective shield for a king. In today’s day and age, where most of masses are totally ignorant of occult and have little knowledge of Universal functionings, truly protective aspect of this Nakshatra is rarely seen. However, politicians and ruling class of today do take aid of occult practices in secret (away from public view), to protect their power and position.




Indra, scion of gods, is main governing deity of this Nakshatra. It is important to mention here that Indra is just a post, which different souls occupy at different times. A soul who has done enough penance is put on this post. In same way, Jyeshta has capacity to bestow an authority position here on earth, as a result of past life efforts.


Word ”Indra” translates into ”a celestial drop”. This meaning can be looked at in different ways. Indra, even though he is a king of gods, is a mere drop, as far as Universe is concerned. On other hand, we can see that this meaning relates well to fact that Indra was regarded as rain god in most of ancient cultures.


Around five thousand years ago, Indra was most worshipped among all deities. Vedas, especially earlier ones, are full of remarks about his splendor and glory. His worship survived even up to a period around 500 B. C., as can be inferred from fact that Greeks worshipped a thunder god known as ”Thor”. This thunder god was supposed to wield a thunder bolt in much same way as Indra, who is always portrayed with a thunder bolt in his hand.


Rain was important to all civilizations because agriculture was directly equated with prosperity. It is no wonder then, that this Nakshatra is related to prosperity on material plane of existence. In a way, this Nakshatra also conveys a certain strong concern for prosperity, in much same way as people in olden days eagerly awaited rains to fall. When rainfall is irregular, it can destroy agriculture rather than support it. This brings out fact that this Nakshatra can, at many times, bring about depravity and hard times instead of prosperity. This can also be seen from fact that when rulers of a nation are corrupt and greedy, its subjects will encounter adversity.


With invention of new technologies, dependence of agriculture on rain diminished and so did worship of Indra. Krishna can be said to be first one who turned common people away from worship of Indra. He encouraged them to establish direct communication with forces of nature instead. After all, Indra’s power only relies on his connection with these forces. Even today, ruling elite go to great lengths to maintain this connection, while common people toil away mindlessly.


Indra comes out as a rumbustious, proud, vain, tricky and unreliable character in most of Puranic stories. Most of elements of his nature are conveyed through this Nakshatra. In this way, Jyeshta is very similar to Vishakha, other Nakshatra ruled by Indra. Jyeshta, however, is much more controlled, secretive and deliberating in comparison to Vishakha. One can say that Jyeshta functions in a positive or negative way, depending on who Indra is at any given point in time. In a birth chart however, an afflicted Jyeshta will tend to bring out negative qualities like depravation, misuse of power and authority, unnecessary vanity etc., while a well fortified Jyeshta will bring about prosperity, genuine concern and protectiveness towards others.


One peculiarity of Jyeshta is that it gives prosperity only through some occult, supernatural or extraordinary means. This arises from fact that Indra always gets his position and power through penance and other occult activities. He even got his thunderbolt through occult propitiation of a Sage called Dadhichi. Interested readers can refer to ”Amar Chitra Katha” comics for Puranic stories related to Indra.


Nature & Functioning


”A sense of arriving or becoming” characterizes Jyeshta Nakshatra. Jyeshta completes second series of nine Nakshatras beginning from Magha. This series is mostly to do with involvement in worldly activities on earthly plane.


Jyeshtha Nakshatra is a Nakshatra where keeping up an image is more important than anything else. Jyeshta natives usually do everything from a point of view which cares a great deal about how others are perceiving them. They want to gain respect in society, and do whatever is necessary to adhere to prevailing standards. In ancient times, when real acts of charity, kindness and philanthropy were stepping stones to a respectful position, Jyeshta functioned well. In present day and age, where excessive headless materialism is standard, Jyeshta energy gets channeled in useless, short tempered, self-destructive ways. Stereotypical mob leaders, corrupt and unwise politicians, bureaucrats and managers are all Jyeshta characters.


Natives born in Jyeshtha Nakshatra or having strong Jyeshta influence connected to Lagna, usually mature very quickly, both physically and mentally. They have well proportioned bodies, but are not able to hold onto their youth for long. Their upper body is usually stronger than their lower body. Easiest way to spot them is to pay attention to their penetrating and probing eyes.


Natives born in Jyeshtha Nakshatra are apt to magnify their troubles and woes. There is no beating Jyeshta when it comes to unnecessary, exaggerated moaning and groaning. Continent of Africa is under strong influence of Jyeshta energy. It is no wonder then that ”Blues”, as a musical art form, came from this continent.


A revengeful and vindictive tendency is often noticed in Jyeshta natives. They also fall prey to jealousy very easily and are always on lookout to put others down. A strong competitive spirit rather than an internal direction is what makes them manifest full extent of their abilities.


Goodness of Jyeshtha Nakshatra natives lies in their ability to be protective towards weak, subordinate, helpless and underprivileged. They can purge themselves headlong into danger in order to protect others. Besides sticking to their word, they have a responsible attitude to affairs that fall under their domain. However, at times they can also carry their sense of responsibility and protectiveness to extremes. In today’s day and age, most of Jyeshta’s functioning is confined to military, police and similar martian pursuits. Since all these forces are guided and controlled by a dark elite, there is no real sense in zealously identifying oneself with these branches.


Mode of Functioning


Jyeshtha Nakshatra is considered to be an active Nakshatra. Once again, we will take help from policing profession to fathom Jyeshta’s active nature. Being a policeman, one is expected to be ready and alert 24 hours a day, as they can be called anytime for duty. It is a profession which involves constant vigil, activity and responsibility. It is noticed that Jyeshta types usually get depressed when their circumstances don’t allow for constant activity of some kind.




It belongs to servant caste. Servant caste was seen by ancient Seers as being involved in different forms of servitude. It is hard to understand why supposed eldest among first 18 Nakshatras should be relegated to servitude. Only reason we can think of is that Jyeshta is not skilled in any particular art, trade or profession. It is like Indra, whose activities can’t be categorized under any of four main castes, Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. Indra is neither a priest, nor a soldier, nor a businessman and he is no manual laborer either. We have already seen that Jyeshta types always end up in service professions like police officers, etc.




It is a female Nakshatra. Jyeshta is often portrayed as eldest and senior most queen. Even Indra, as a character, seems to have predominantly feminine attitudes and attributes. Old, seasoned, jealous, stern and lonely queen archetype fits Jyeshta like a glove.


Body Parts & Humor


Neck and right side of torso are body parts related to this Nakshatra. In a lot of ancient cultures, eldest queen was supposed to have most elaborate neck ornamentation, to signify her senior most status. Even today, in some parts of Africa, huge necklings are used for signifying status. In some cases, necks are elongated by using larger and larger size necklings.


It is a primarily ”Vata” (airy) Nakshatra. This again must relate to its relationship with Budh, a primarily Vata Graha. Jyeshta, as we have seen, belongs to air element. Its classification under Vata humor re-emphasizes its airy aspect.




It is related primarily to North and South.




First Pada of this asterism (16° 40’ - 20° 00’ Vrischika) falls in Dhanur Navamsa ruled by Guru. Emphasis here is on family life concerns and interests. This Pada is very concerned about financial affairs, even though its prosperity in that area will swing from one extreme to other. Lesson here is to take a more easy going attitude in regards to finances. A certain enthusiasm towards acquiring higher knowledge is noticeable here. Normally secretive Jyeshta tends to leak out secrets through ”Dhanur” carefreeness and frankness. Native is a risk taker. Generosity is more prominent in this Pada, in comparison to other Jyeshta Padas. Native is chivalrous in terms of being protective towards kith and kin. Grahas here have a sense of humor. Surya, Mangal, Guru & Ketu in Jyeshta Nakshatra are strong here, and Guru tends to give best results. Grahas placed in this Pada adversely affect wellbeing of one’s siblings.


Second Pada of this asterism (20° 00’ - 23° 20’ Vrischika) falls in Makara Navamsa ruled by Sani. This Pada is very rigid in regards to responsibility and doing right thing. Natives here are fiercely protective and like to challenge others. This Pada produces authority type figures. This Pada can be selfish, stingy, materialistic and vengeful. Native is ruthless in regards to getting back at others. A strong sense of maturity is seen in physical and mental make-up of native from an early age. Native has an authoritative speaking voice. This Pada is very serious and overbearing and will tend to take its time to achieve its goals. Native usually only achieves their goals late in life, after much hard work, perseverance and penance. Natives are cautious, slow and stern.


They need to watch a tendency towards too much skepticism, melancholy and negative attitudes in general.


Mangal & Sani are strong here, in sense that they give some sort of position of authority. Grahas placed in this Pada adversely affect wellbeing of younger siblings.


Third Pada of this asterism (23° 20’ - 26° 40’ Vrischika) falls in Kumbha Navamsa ruled by Sani. This Pada gives a strong humanitarian instinct and allows native to play roles which are beneficial or protective towards society. Native works best in professions which involve protecting underdog or underprivileged. They like serving causes. Native can be very sacrificing when it comes to protecting others. This Pada gives a love for researching science or mysticism. Native has their own peculiar brand of family life values. Native enjoys espousing their personal philosophy to others. Native gets caught up in bizarre sexual encounters. Sani, Budh, Sukr & Rahu are strong in this Pada. Grahas placed in this Pada adversely affect wellbeing of one’s mother.


Fourth Pada of this asterism (26° 40’ - 30° 00’ Vrischika) falls in Meena Navamsa ruled by Guru. This is a very emotional Pada and native is inclined to get carried away. Native can simply drown themselves. There is a danger of too much indulgence in fantasy, sexual intrigue and intoxication. Native may be able to channel their emotions into creative expression. Native carries their sense of responsibility and protectiveness to an extreme at times. In its lowest aspect, natives are apt to fantasize about their woes and troubles in life in an unhealthy way. In its highest aspect, this Pada can give a strong sacrificing nature and a spiritual devotion to humanity.


Native will be fond of children. Native will defend rights of others and take an interest in occult exploration for liberation purposes. Only downfall is that penance aspect, which is so necessary for Jyeshta’s proper functioning, is difficult to harness in this Pada. However, Jyeshta’s capacity for material gain is stronger in this Pada and its poverty aspect is decreased. This is true when strong benefics like Sukr and Guru are placed here. Mangal functions poorly in this Pada, however Sani, although giving material adversity, may be helpful in acquiring some sort of spiritual discipline. This Pada tends to be most self-destructive, when working through its negative aspect.




All policing professions; government officials; administrative posts of all types; reporters; radio & television commentators; newsreaders; talk show hosts; actors; orators; firemen; trade unionists; occultists (mainly black magicians); detectives; mafia; politicians; bureaucrats; naval professions; forest rangers; military professions in general; salvation army and other such ”caring for aged” professions; manual laborers; athletes, especially sprinters; telecommunication industry related professions; air traffic controllers and radar experts; surgeons.




Hilly inaccessible terrain; hot tropical jungles; government buildings; all places related to telecommunications & media in general; airports; hospitals; military bases; capital cities; manors, forts & palaces; old-age homes; all places connected with above mentioned professions.


Guna & Tatva


It is supposed to be a Satvic Nakshatra. This classification mainly relates to its elderly and protective aspect. As we have discussed earlier, Jyeshta is reverential towards its elders (or those more powerful than itself) and is protective towards its juniors or subordinates. Jyeshta is also Satvic in sense that it is ready to sacrifice a lot of pleasures and enjoyments for sake of its duties and commitments.


It belongs to air element. This relates to Budh’s strong association with Jyeshta. Behind its fixed and stern Mangal exterior, Jyeshta is pretty light, floaty and airy in disposition. Jyeshta hankers for freedom and movement (which are natural qualities of air element), but is usually constrained by its outer image, responsibilities or circumstances. For example, a police officer may like to join crowd in a rock concert, but he cannot do it because of his job and position.




It is considered a Rakshasa (demonic) Nakshatra. It is a surprise to find that Nakshatra, whose ruling deity is king of gods, is classified thus. A good look at stories and legends attached with Indra reveal that Indra at times surpasses demons themselves, as far as demonic or unrighteous actions are concerned. Jyeshta’s sense of right and wrong can get quite flawed because of its primarily selfish and self-centered disposition.


Orientation & Disposition


It is a level Nakshatra. Jyeshta’s tendency to ”get even” is first thing which comes up in regards to this classification. Jyeshta is always concerned with fair play, justice, balancing events and people. A policeman pursuing a murderer is in essence fuelled by Jyeshta’s basic nature to get even. This ”getting even” tendency is found in gangster mentalities like Mafia. Heads, dons or elders of Mafias are always playing endless game of ”getting even” with each other.


It is a hard, sharp and dreadful Nakshatra. Just like Graha Mangal, Jyeshta is not averse to activities requiring above mentioned qualities. Jyeshta carries within itself most of keywords associated with Rasi Vrischika - hardness, coldness, focus, torture, punishment, attacking, arduousness and biting. Jyeshta represents hard, stony and ferocious side of Rasi Vrischika. Its brutality is well exemplified today by police departments and heads of organizations, corporations and institutions all around world.


Lunar Month & Tithi


It relates to first half of lunar month of Jyeshtha. This usually corresponds to late May / early June in solar calendar.


Jyeshta is also related to Saptami & Chaturdashi (7th & 14th Tithi) of waxing and waning phases of Chandr’s monthly cycle.


Auspicious Activities


Harsh activities; plotting; spying; scheming; passing judgments; getting even; putting one’s foot down over important issues; taking control; expressing one’s authoritative nature out of a sense of caring; administrative activities; policing or monitoring situations; occult activities; acting responsibly; acts of concern, care or protection; associating with elders, especially giving assistance to elderly; taking care of family matters; occult activities requiring a lot of penance; holding discussions over serious issues; grand planning; acting restrained out of consideration for others; setting disciplines for oneself.


Inauspicious Activities


Wallowing in depression and resentment or having a hard done by attitude; infidelity; acts of selfishness or self-centricity; taking advantage of others; marriage; healing; too much rest or recreational activity; any dealings which require a lot of tact, sensitivity and gentleness; not good for travelling.




Budh is main planetary Lord of this Nakshatra. Mercurial energy refines itself from its deceptive, cunning, childlike beginnings to a more serious energy, which tries to control scattered functionings of mind. Considering that Chandr represents mass mentality, Budh’s functioning here is directed to controlling that energy. It is no wonder then that Jyeshta natives feel like police of world.


Mangal, Lord of Vrischika, of course supports this policing mentality and provides energy and initiative required for it. Budh - Mangal combination can turn self-serving very quickly, as martian energy afflicts perceptive and discriminative part of mercurial energy. Much of deceit and misuse of power, inherent in this Nakshatra, can be understood from many tales about unruly, boisterous behavior of its ruling deity Indra, scion of demigods. Budh makes Jyeshta a sort of a chameleon, whose values are not based upon any real understanding of things, but are dependent upon its surroundings.


Ketu in Jyeshta Nakshatra (and Pluto), being co-rulers of Vrischika along with Mangal, also convey a part of Jyeshta’s energy in form of self-destructive tendencies, outer and inner transformation, emotional upheaval and penance.


Budh / Mangal & Budh / Mangal / Ketu in Jyeshta Nakshatra conjunctions in a chart, carry similar energies to Jyeshta. In present day and age, most Grahas placed here need to be watched very carefully by astrologer, as they usually work against native’s peace of mind. Only a well placed Budh can give good results here.


Vowels & Alphabets


First Pada of this asterism (16° 40’ - 20° 00’ Vrischika) corresponds to ”No” as in Nora.


Second Pada of this asterism (20° 00’ - 23° 20’ Vrischika) corresponds to ”Ya” as in Yani.


Third Pada of this asterism (23° 20’ - 26° 40’ Vrischika) corresponds to ”Yi” as in Yeast.


Fourth Pada of this asterism (26° 40’ - 30° 00’ Vrischika) corresponds to ”Yu” as in Yul.


In Sanskrit alphabet, Jyeshta corresponds to ”Dha” and consequently its Mantra is ”Om Dham”.


Sexual Type & Compatibility


Its sexual animal is a stag. A stag is an aggressive sexual animal, as compared to a deer, which is sexual animal for previous Nakshatra Anuradha. Jyeshta is supposed to have a cold, yet aggressively, passionate response towards lovemaking and likes to dominate proceedings. It is not considered a very virile Nakshatra, even though it can get obsessive about sexuality.


For marital and sexual compatibility with other Nakshatras, please refer to tables at end of this document.




Being 18th Nakshatra, Jyeshta reflects meaning associated with number 18. It is considered culmination of lunar energy. Tarot image, associated with 18th card, appropriately called ”Moon”, depicts a night-time scene with two dogs howling at two towers, which form a gateway to a mysterious region beyond. A full Chandr hangs above on horizon, while a crayfish is attempting to crawl out of a small pool in front. This predominantly dark imagery relates to a final confrontation with hidden workings of subconscious.


It is Jyeshta’s task to constantly confront mysteries, fears, illusions and pitfalls of dark realms of left hand side of nature. Jyeshta has to bring order into scheme of things through right use of elemental forces. Catch here lies in knowing when to let nature take its course and when to interfere. Indra, along with other elemental gods like Agni (fire deity) and Varuna (water deity), is always trying to keep balance in terrestrial affairs, through confronting dark demonic forces, who are repeatedly trying to disrupt nature’s functionings. Danger here lies in folly, which arises out of an improper understanding of universal functionings. This is point where next Nakshatra, Mula, takes over and tries to gain a root understanding of universal functionings.




Ted Bundy, famous serial killer, has his Chandr placed in Jyeshta. His character brings out negative side of Jyeshta. Al Pacino, Hollywood actor, who has played many cop, mafia and father figure roles, has his Lagna Lord placed in this Nakshatra.


J. Krishnamurthi, celebrated philosopher, has his Chandr placed in this Nakshatra. Despite many good things in his message, Jyeshta stubbornness comes out when he refuses to look towards anything beyond material, for arriving at a complete universal understanding. It is interesting to note that he suffered serious throbbing pain in his head for most part of his life. This was a result of his conscious effort to not pay attention to his internal psychic processes happening at Kundalini level.




According to Varahamihira, Chandr in Jyeshta gives ”an angry disposition, few friends, lustfulness, contentment and a sense of responsibility”.


Additional Insights


Individuals born in Jyeshtha Nakshatra often exhibit traits of leadership and maturity at an early age. Between the age of 18 and 18 to 26, these individuals often find themselves in roles that demand significant responsibility and authority, reflecting the inherent qualities of Jyeshtha Nakshatra. The period of 18 to 26 is crucial for these natives, as it often marks the development of their protective and authoritative nature, aligning with the characteristics of Jyeshta Nakshatra.

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