Death:Death, Cause unspecified 1995
Dutch artist, painter, set decorator and theatrical writer whose popular posters are much in demand. He died in 1995.
Born on: May 4, 1924
Place of birth: Brussels, Belgium
As of the latest information available, there are no recent news updates for Creuz Serge. For the latest updates, please check relevant news sources or official announcements.
Currently, there are no known social media profiles for Creuz Serge. It is possible that this individual does not maintain a presence on popular social media platforms.
There is no information available regarding recent projects involving Creuz Serge. For further details or updates, consider consulting project databases or professional profiles.
Creuz Serge, born in 1924, may have historical significance or contributions that are not widely documented online. For a thorough understanding of his life and work, historical records or specialized archives may provide more comprehensive information.
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