Death:Death, Cause unspecified 5 October 2001 at 04:00 AM in Greensboro chart Placidus Equal_H.
American astrologer and counselor. His obituary at reads: He was survived by a daughter (Laurie) with whom he shared a synastry of (her)Moon conjunct Sun. He began a career as an investigative journalist, and won the "John Pitman Prize" for excellence in journalism, Later, he traveled throughout the U.S. and settled in North Carolina. He practiced as a skilled astrologer and consultant--bringing comfort to those seeking alternative counseling. His preferred style was to work very intensively and in-depth with a few clients and their charts. His mythology, especially during the last part of life was perhaps best expressed by the Tarot card: "The Hermit". He loved and practiced the hermetic arts and was a staunch defender of animals. He was a gentle man with high ideals and loving values." He passed from earth life on 10/5/2001 around 4:00 a.m. in Greensboro, NC. Read less