Crime : Homicide Perpetration 24 December 1948 chart Placidus Equal_H.
Crime : Trial dates 20 December 1950 (Sentenced to death) chart Placidus Equal_H.
Death:Death by Execution 4 May 1951 at 04:52 AM in Paris (By guillotine, age 26) chart Placidus Equal_H.
French criminal, a pimp and murderer sentenced to death and executed. The son of wealthy parents, he killed his lover Germaine Siberil, who was a prostitute called "Carmen," on 24 December 1948. Sentenced to death on 20 December 1950, he was executed by guillotine in Paris on 4 May 1951 at 4:52 a.m.
Date of Birth: October 26, 1924
Place of Birth: Versailles, France
As of the latest available information, there are no recent news articles specifically about Schleich Raymond. This profile may be historical and might not have recent news updates.
There are no known social media profiles for Schleich Raymond. Given the age, it is likely that he may not have engaged with modern social media platforms.
There are no known recent projects associated with Schleich Raymond. Given the birth date, it is possible that he may not be actively involved in public projects at this time.
Schleich Raymond was born in Versailles, France in 1924. Due to the age and historical context, detailed public records or profiles may be limited.
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